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main winThis is an easy-to-use application software for creating original designs. It has enhanced features such as auto-shapes, shading, and editing functions. It can also configure the cutting conditions and other functions on the plotter.


Main features of Graphtec STUDIO

Line style

It can set configuration of line intuitively to plot such as style, corner, end cap, and position.

Editing function

It can be edited using the functions such as the crop, the join, and etc in each of shapes on the overlapping objects.


There are 68 shapes, and also can edit easy it.

Shaded function

It can easily paint colors on a object of the illustration and can also fill in a gradient or pattern.

Plotter settings

The cutting condition in the cutting plotter can be monitored and configured from the Graphtec Studio software. It can easily select the cutting plotter for using to the cutting job.

Other features

  • Editing the text using a tool similar to the word processor function.
  • Grouping, in-grouping, and aligning objects.
  • Change the shape of the object to create a unique shape by moving, editing, or deleting a anchor-point
  • Adding a shadow to an object.
  • Deleting parts or elements of an object using eraser tool.
  • Editing multiple overlapped object in welding, subtracting, cropping, and dividing.
  • Manipulating an object by re-sizing, rotating, and mirroring.
  • Easy creating copies of an object with in the matrix condition.
  • Easy creating outline or contour line on bitmap object using bitmap tracing function.
  • Easy creating the registration marks on an image for the printing & cutting application.
  • Filling objects with custom colors, gradations, and patterns.
  • Operating unlimited "undo" and "redo".
  • Connecting and controlling of multiple plotters.
  • Configuring the cutting conditions and other functions on the plotter.

System requirements


Supported OS (*1)(*2) Windows 10 / Windows 10 x64 Edition Home / Pro / Enterprise / Education
Windows 8.1 / Windows 8.1 x64 Edition Windows 8.1 / Pro / Enterprise
Windows 8 / Windows 8 x64 Edition Windows 8 / Pro / Enterprise
Windows 7 / Windows 7 x64 Edition Ultimate / Enterprise / Professional / Home Premium / Home Basic
System requirements Processor Processor with 1 GHz or faster (Recommend Dual Core 2 GHz or faster)
RAM 1 GB (Recommend 2 GB)
Install space required 100 MB
Video 800 x 600resolution monitor with 32-bit color or better (Recommend 1024 x 768 dots)

(*1)It is run in the 32-bit compatible mode (WOW64 mode) when the 64-bits Windows OS is used.
(*2)Graphtec does not support software/driver used with operating systems that have become obsolete and are no longer supported by the OS developer.
(*)Notes on text editing In case of using the FULL function on the “Text Style” panel, it is effective when text is automatically wrapped.It will not be reflected in the line break.


Supported OS MAC OS X 10.6 - 10.11 (*3)(*4), macOS 10.12 (Sierra) to 10.15 (Catalina)
System requirements CPU Macintosh computer using Intel processor, processor with 1 GHz or faster (Recommend Dual Core 2 GHz or more)
RAM 1 GB (Recommend 2 GB)
Install space required 100 MB
Video 800 x 600resolution monitor with 32-bit color or better (Recommend 1024 x 768 dots)

(*3)If the Graphtec STUDIO is used on the MAC OS X 10.5, the Graphtec STUDIO needs to be used in the version 2.1.200.
(*4)OS X 10.6 to 10.9 is not supported after Ver.3.0.032.
(*)Notes on text editing
In case of using the FULL function on the “Text Style” panel, it is effective when text is automatically wrapped.It will not be reflected in the line break.

Supported file format for import

File formatExtension
EPS Encapsulated PostScript
gstudio Graphtec Studio
DXF AutoCAD Interchange Format
GSD ROBO Master Format
GST ROBO Master Template Format
GSP ROBO Master Format
WMF Windows Metafile
PNG Portable Network Graphics
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
BMP Bitmap
GIF Graphics Interchange Format
TIFF Tagged Image File Format
PCX Personal Computer Exchange
CG4 Cals G4
RAS Sun Raster
CIT Intergraph
RLC ArcView
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